Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fashion Do's and Don'ts Update #1!

Fashion Do's and Dont's

  1. Always remember that rares don't really make your style better. FOR EXAMPLE wearing a rare spike on a lion...
  2. Remember to match your clothes and items. AS AN EXCEPTION sometimes mixed match things look really awesome.
This outfit is matched because the colors Black, and orange are
shown all throughout the wolf.

3. Be ORIGINAL. In other words have your own style that you created. Just because you see a style you love and want it, it's better to do your own thing. You were born in this world to stand out from everyone else.
This dolphin defined the laws of nature to be original!
Ain't that awesome?

4. Wear clothes representing you.
             If you love pink:

           If you love looking good, being humorous, and love Halloween:
          If you secretly love hearts but everyone else thinks your the cool, spike wearing, warrior cat, wolf:

        In other words, I am trying to say be you not what your "reputation" is. Don't worry what others think.
                                               You're being you and that's all that matters :D

5. Have all your animals a different style with different clothes. Just because you have 3 major rares that go super well together, doesn't mean you should have them on every animal with the same style. Have VARIETY! 

All these animals have different styles!
I don't wear the same rares ON EVERY SINGLE PET!
This is an example of VARIETY.

And of course all the stated information in the Do's column
can be applied into this column in different wording. Remember that.

1. NEVER steal someone's style when they told you not to. This is very rude and just shows you are un-confident in your own styles.

2. Try not to let other people's opinion hurt your styles. They are yours and should not be discouraged by other people's snobby comments

3. NEVER wear 100% extreme rares and go around acting like your better then others. It is rude, discouraging, hurtful, arrogant, and rather stupid. 
This is me and my storage user, I am not actually being a bully.
4. Make sure your rares look good on the animal you are putting it on. Just because it is rare does not mean you should wear it on an animal it looks bad on.

See what i mean... people do this too much so they look
"cool" honestly none of these items look good on
a horse...
(If i offended someone please note these are my opinions)
5. DON'T EVER wear colors that seriously are very bad together... please...

These colors are 100% wrong. Please remember to not only make
your item colors match, but your fur colors as well!

                                IN CONCLUSION                                            

                                    Please comment bellow what type of fashion you would love
                                                    to see more tips on!
                                    Please don't take any offense to the things i said, unless its Don'ts #3.
                                                    You deserve to feel something for that then...
                                    Also tell your friends!
                                    Tell the world!
                                    All about this blog!

You're number one animaljam fashion critic,

Monday, April 14, 2014



I just download the Blogger app and got to upload some pics I have off of my original BETA user.


Sadly-as you may have figured-my user was suspended. My brother got on to an account created with my parent dashboard... and got the whole thing suspended.

Obviously this has been super painful of me to even think about it, though I think its time to talk about my original animaljam user.

I started in 2011 of March (6 months before my sister.) I remember seeing so many people with amazing items I just HAD TO PLAY MORE.

At first I had nothing but a crown a guy sent me so I would leave him alone... (I was stalking him). But gradually people began sending me things and I became rarer.

Back then, EVERYONE PRETTY MUCH SCAMMED   there was absolutely no trading system and it was super hard to gain more items.

I remember the first time I got scammed. This girl wanted my bunny hat and told me to go to her den (back when bunny hats were very rare.) I followed her there and offered all these things, then she told me to send first... so I did (non members could accept gifts.) She took my bunny hat, used the laughing symbol, and bolted. I litterally was so upset XD

This continued to happen to me so I stopped sending first... which I should have the first time that happened. The first actual trade I remember recieving was a scary cat hat for non member batwings.

Soonly I began making friends... honestly I almost feel noone liked me at first. My original friends were:
Chelsea274 (I met by befriending blueberribun)
Blueberribun(I met by annoying the heck out of him for his santa beard...)
Moosab( I honestly forget how we met)
Maeva(we met in a party of sorts and been BFFs since. I remember on my birthday she sent me a mech angle helmet because I couldnt buy one as a non member)

All the rest of my friends I forget their usernames.... o-o


In beta days, honestly I feel it was annoyingish. Like having to trade without trade systems, having to figure out raritys, and all this stuff.

But nowadays, I find it also annoying. WHERE PEOPLE THINK EVERYTHING IS BETA!? Like that just concerns me... doesnt anyone know their timelines anymore?? Also people try to scam too much with "I decline all trades" or "Flash me"... Its super annoying...

Now im going to ramble on about ITEMS AND SUCH!

So in these pictures you can see I have super rares... A long green rare spike (I also had a purple, and orange long rare spike), gazelle horns, headdresses, and other things. The tail armor back when I took these pics... were rare. Lol.

But honestly I dont like it how spikes are rare now... they were a monthly gift... why did they discontinue monthly gifts then put items back in stores that were monthly gifts FOR  AN EXPENSIVE PRICE . Seriously diamonds suck...

am I the only one who thinks that?


I can sit here and ramble on procrastinating my homework... but I think this is tooooo long.

So cya for now!!


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bad Jammer Update #1


Thanks to Hpia7 (AN AWESOME JAMMER)

I was warned of a bad jammer.
This bad jammers username is:

This jammer is bad for:
Please be kind and report this jammer for scamming,
she scammed Hpia7's:
Scary Antlers
She scammed those amazing items and deserves some sort of punishment.
To report a jammer:
click on the police badge.
Then click the plus sign,
and click the reason you are reporting the jammer.


This bad jammer, my sister and I had a personal experience with.
She called us a female dog in swear words,
and even,
a donkey i swear words.
Her user is:

Please report this user for:
I am sure no one wants to be called mean words,
and little kids should not be shown swear words.

Please report these jammers for their crimes,
and please,
comment bellow your bad jammers.

Friday, April 11, 2014


                  Welcome to The Daily Jam!

Hello There Jammers!!
      As you can see there is a new blog in town, i really hope you enjoy it!
The purpose of this blog is to:
    1) To help guide you around jamma w/the new scavenger hunts. For example, EASTER!

    2) Adventures!

    3) To WARN you of bad jammers!

    4) FOR FUN!!!

    5) To help track NEW ITEMS and RARE MONDAYS

    6) To help with ALL THINGS fashion! Including DO's and DONT's!

    7) And many more RANDOM THINGS :D

Your New Favorite Jammer,